Well-prepared for the future
Understanding sustainability as future viability
«Sustainability» is not a fashionable topic. It is the requirement and the entrepreneurial opportunity of the 21st century. Companies whose business models contribute to climate change and endanger our ecosystems will sooner or later exit the market. Social requirements are also increasing. This means, for example, compatibility of work and family and the protection of human rights along the entire value chain. There are strategies and methods to respond to these changes in time and in the right way - so that you are on the winning side of the change.
Stewardship for man and the environment
In the services offered by SQS there are a wide range of products available for strengthening corporate sustainability. These include in particular the basic instrument for a successful environmental management ISO 14001, the standard OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety as well as Circular Globe, a model for assessing the circular maturity of an organisation. Additional products in the scope of sustainability are certifications of energy management systems in accordance with ISO 50001, the international IQNet certificate SR 10 (social responsibility management) as well as the labels FSC (certification of wood and paper-manufacturing companies) and naturemade (certification of energy from renewable sources).
Communicate responsibly
More and more businesses and organisations publicly report on their sustainability performance and efforts in this regard, in accordance with the reporting guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). With such a sustainability report the progress achieved in the fields of economy, ecology and social responsibility are described and also which further development by the business is sought for is set out. SQS validates such reports and thus increases their significance.
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