Quality in schools and further education

SQS certifies quality management in schools and further education institutions.

Schools and further education institutions have for some time been confronted by growing challenges. Students, parents, teachers, government agencies and the public have specific expectations, which are not always easy to meet in an ever more rapidly changing social environment - especially since financial resources are limited and more demands in terms of effectiveness and economy are also being placed on educational institutions. In this context, high-quality management is of ever greater importance. On their way to quality in all areas, schools and institutions from the field of initial- and further education will find an experienced partner in SQS.

ISO 21001:2018

As a sector-specific refinement of ISO 9001, the international standard is suitable for all learning service providers and further education organisations. ISO 21001 provides an excellent basis for an education-specific management system and for the continuous improvement of the system, processes, and services. As part of the certification procedure, SQS surveys and assesses the quality of the processes and their implementation.

eduQua: Further education certificate

eduQua, the Swiss quality certificate for further education institutions, is an excellent tool for ensuring and developing the quality of further education opportunities. The certification process ensures transparency for all stakeholders and provides an appropriate basis for regulatory decisions (such as subsidies). It applies to a wide range of institutions offering further education: commercial and industrial or commercial vocational schools, course providers involved in labour market measures, education and training centres of associations, schools and private providers of modular offers. As part of the certification process, SQS ascertains and assesses the quality of the institution and individual offers.

Music schools

The quarte offer is tailored specifically to music schools. It provides continuous, future-oriented implementation and development of the educational and cultural mission. Certification with the quarte label is open to institutions that are members of the Association of Swiss Music Schools (VMS).

Overview of the offer

Main standards

  • Certification of quality management systems

  • Certification of environmental management systems

  • Certification of occupational health and safety

  • Educational organizations – Management systems for educational organizations – Requirements with guidance for use

  • Asset Management

National schemes

  • Certification of further education establishments
    (The revised standard eduQua:2021 is expected to be enacted in 2021 and put into effect at the beginning of 2022. The transition period for the existing eduQua certificates is three years from the effective date.)

  • Quality label for further education providers in Switzerland


  • Certified quality of Work Integration

  • Management excellence certification of non-profit organisations (According to VMI)
    (NPO:2020 loses its validity on 30.9.2025. Surveillance audits for already certified customers are possible until then. There is the possibility of certification according to ISO 9001:2015).

  • Seal of approval for members of the Association of Music Schools of Switzerland

Severin Cucco
I will gladly take time for you!

+41 58 710 34 85

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