Work-Family Balance®

Certification of Work-Family Balance®-Requirements


Family-friendly working conditions are a necessity for both young and older employees. The Work-Family Balance®-certificate from Pro Familia Switzerland and the SQS offers organisations the opportunity to distinguish themselves through a family-friendly personnel policy and thus the chance to meet the demands of our dynamic times. In this context, particular attention should be paid to gender equality and, in connection with this, to exploiting the potential of female professionals.
The shortage of skilled workers, combined with demographic change, represents a major challenge for business, politics and society. Employees thus have greater freedom of choice in their job search. As a result, employers must take steps to be attractive in the recruitment process and to differentiate themselves in the competition for talents. The compatibility of work and family life is becoming increasingly important and thus also represents an important factor in the choice of job.


The Work-Family Balance®-certificate attests that the company has a firmly established, actively lived and dynamic family-friendly business philosophy.
Certified organizations are characterized by a respectful and consensus-oriented relationship between employees. Family-friendly working conditions lead to higher satisfaction and productivity, so obtaining a certificate is a clear differentiating factor. The aim is to give certified organizations an advantage in retaining their employees and in the recruitment process.

Target groups

The Work-Family Balance®-certificate can basically be obtained by all organisations, regardless of their form of organisation, size and field of activity. A certification is possible on 3 successive levels (Basic Standard, Advanced Standard, Professional Standard).
The validity of the certification covers the entire structure of the organization. It is not possible for private organisations to award individual departmental or service areas. For public sector organisations, certification can be applied to individual units such as federal offices, departments, etc.


The Work-Family Balance®-certificate for levels 1 to 3 (Basic Standard, Advanced Standard and Professional Standard) is valid for a maximum of 3 years. In the sense of continual further development, a surveillance audit takes place annually and after 3 years, a recertification audit/re-assessment will be conducted. For the recertification/re-assessment, the same rules apply at all levels as for the first certification.


The Work-Family Balance®-certificate is nationally recognised.


The audit for obtaining the Work-Family Balance®-certificate can be combined with audits according to ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management).

Lead Auditor
Larissa Tschirky
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