Corporate Quality. Structure. Efficiency. Transparency.
The basic prerequisites for sustainable, successful entrepreneurship.

Quality Management

Environmental Management

Occupational Health and Safety

Increased importance of climate change in management system Standards  

The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) have reinforced the importance of climate change for management systems.  

Two corresponding additions to a series of existing standards and in all new standards or standards under development/revision were made. As a result, standards users must consider the impact of climate change on the ability of their management systems to achieve the intended results. 

Details can be found in our implementation rules.

On the occasion of the amendment to the standards, we also developed the webinar "Climate change adaptation strategies, reference standards, methods and tools". It provides you with in-depth information on the additional requirements and shows you the potential of ISO management systems for a corporate approach to climate change and other sustainability issues.

Visit our training page to find out more and register. 

Sustainability reporting: Tension field between compatibility and feasibility  

The European Union requires large and, in future, medium-sized companies to report on their sustainability activities and -performance. The legal basis for this is the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the applicable instrument are the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS As part of its efforts to harmonize its own rules with those of the EU, the Federal Council is also considering tightening and expanding the reporting obligations.

What are the current status and developments regarding sustainability requirements? To this end, we have prepared a blog post on Swiss legislation (in German and French) and a blog post on the significance of EU regulation (in German and soon in French) for local companies.

Additionally, we have drawn up a statement on the draft legislation on sustainability reporting (in German and French). In it, we call on the Federal Council not to lose sight of feasibility in its efforts to achieve international compatibility: The requirements for sustainability reporting must not lead to excessive demands on SMEs.

and trust


By getting audited and certified by SQS, companies strengthen their credibility and trust in the market, among employees, authorities, or other stakeholders.

Orientation and


Our SQS auditors support clients by providing a practical and conceptually well-founded external perspective and thus convey orientation and comparability in the market.

Competences through ongoing training


Our clients build up comprehensive competences by having their employees trained by SQS in a practical, impact-oriented, and holistic way.


Clients from business and



SQS is an SME serving the Swiss economy and society. It has over 9,000 clients from all sectors, from micro- to large companies, from associations to public authorities.


Founded as a pioneer and
a market leader ever since


SQS was founded in 1983 as one of the world's first certification bodies for management systems. Since then, it has been Switzerland's leading organisation in this field.

10 Years

Long-term customer relationships as a trademark


Quality creates loyalty. More than a third of our clients have been with SQS for more than 10 years. We have even been working with numerous companies since the early 1980s.


New mandates gained
in 2023


SQS has convinced over 700 more organisations of its value proposition in 2023. The more complex the economy, the more important it is to be able to count on reliable partners.

5 continents

Our certificates provide market access worldwide


Lived and certified «Swissness»: SQS certificates create market access for companies on all continents - if we leave Antarctica out for a moment...


Training days for new lead auditors


New auditors complete a practice-oriented basic training with 34 training days in 2 years. This is how we ensure continuity and bring you to the top with the help of our experts. 

You want to improve?
Here are the 4 success factors.

#1 - Implement quality comprehensively 

What characterises a successful company?
In the foreground, of course, are high-quality products and services. But today, these alone are no longer enough to survive in the market. The quality and thus the long-term competitiveness of a company is also determined by numerous other factors. These include, among others

  • the management system,
  • cost control and optimisation,
  • risk management,
  • a transparent and efficient process landscape
  • and the ability to constantly improve and renew.
Personen in einem Meeting

#2 - A credible environmental management

Who is against environmental protection? Exactly, today everyone is committed to the responsible use of the world's resources. But do we act accordingly? How do we distinguish between lip service and serious commitment? There are proven solutions to ensure that protecting the environment is not a «nice to have» but an integral part of the corporate culture and processes.

#3 - Occupational safety and healthy employees

Whether it's a small company or an international organisation - anyone who holds a managerial position bears responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. Higher and higher. Further. Faster. The pressure on employees is increasing in many companies and organisations. It is therefore all the more important to ensure and promote their safety and health. That is humanly correct. And it is in the interest of the employer. Because in our service society, employees are the ultimate success factor.

Zwei Personen mit Schutzhelm

#4 - Understanding sustainability as future viability

«Sustainability» is not a fashionable topic. It is the requirement and the entrepreneurial opportunity of the 21st century. Companies whose business models contribute to climate change and endanger our ecosystems will sooner or later exit the market. Social requirements are also increasing. This means, for example, compatibility of work and family and the protection of human rights along the entire value chain. There are strategies and methods to respond to these changes in time and in the right way - so that you are on the winning side of the change.

The current scope of the SAS- and Accredia- accreditations can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding SQS-Trust-symbols.