20th International and 13th National Environmental Drawing Contest 2019

Bild, Thema Biologische Vielfalt, Umwelt-Zeichnungswettbewerb 2019

«Biological diversity»

The wealth of nature, biodiversity, our biological diversity 

Perhaps the most important thing our planet has to offer is its biological diversity. Biodiversity includes all ecosystems and habitats, the many different species of animals and plants, as well as the genetic diversity within the various species.  
We take sustainability seriously!  
Sustainability is of great importance to SQS in many different respects: on the one hand it is an important driving force for our entrepreneurial development, and on the other our own sustainable development is firmly anchored in the SQS company strategy. The most important foundation for human well-being has to be the maintenance and sustainable use of biological diversity. Our natural world only «functions» demonstrably thanks to the great biodiversity we have – it is the driving force and secures our livelihoods: plants, animals, fertile soils, etc.